ISG helped its federal client assess and improve its vendor management operations.

Following a merger with another Australian federal government agency and the consolidation of major ICT outsourcing contracts, the client needed to establish a Centre of Excellence to better manage relationships with its vendors, particularly its strategic vendors, to extract the best value. Vendor management processes, governance and capabilities were varied and inconsistently delivered across the client.
The client engaged ISG to deliver a vendor management maturity assessment and then plan and execute the design, build, implementation and operational support of the client’s Vendor Management Office (VMO).

Imagining IT Differently
ISG worked with the client to assess its current
operations and compare them to industry standards for maturity
measurement. Following the assessment,
ISG developed an operating model based on current operations that better
aligned with industry best practices.
Then specific VMO processes were identified for analysis
and refreshment. ISG met with client
personnel in “Champion” sessions to identify opportunities for improving
operating efficiencies in their sourcing and vendor management processes.

Future Made Possible
The result was a strategically positioned sourcing and vendor management office with the vision to establish a Centre of Excellence to effectively manage its ICT strategic vendors and extract the best value for the client.
The updated VMO better focuses on providing a front door for the ICT strategic vendors into the client and an avenue for the business areas to engage with ICT vendors. This enables the holistic management of vendors and the services they provide.