ISG PREDICTS: Guiding You Through the Storm

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These are times of unprecedented change for Banking & Financial Services organizations around the world. Never before have we seen such disruption in the industry, from soaring customer demands and new competition, to geographically diverging regulation and a global battle for talent. From Sydney to San Francisco, financial institutions are engaged in a race to overcome these headwinds by leveraging the explosion of emerging technologies to drive digital transformation across their enterprises. But combining multiple technologies without creating a disjointed customer experience, whilst juggling with a lack of skilled resources and the omnipresent specter of data security is far from easy, particularly when trying to grow top line income and keep a lid on costs. Hear Owen Wheatley, Lead Partner for Banking & Financial Services at ISG, share valuable learnings about how to navigate these choppy waters to emerge stronger and ready to take up the challenge of serving your customers in the new world.

For related content, please visit the conference website for the TechXchange: Banking, Financial Services and Insurance.
