Contract Lifecycle Management Solutions

Powered by ISG GovernX®

What is best-in-class contract management?

You depend on a complex environment of third-party contracts, from sweeping multi-service agreements to renewable software licenses. To get the most out of those contracts – and to make sure you get what you pay for – you must manage them carefully throughout their lifecycle – from contracting to renewal. But doing it right can be tedious and expensive.

ISG GovernX® simplifies contract compliance by offering a single web-based interface for cognitive data extraction, alerts, workflows and intelligent dashboards along with an industry-leading knowledge base and document repository. Quickly scale from one to many contracts so you can proactively manage relationships, commitments and accountability. 

A Smarter Way to Drive Efficiency in Contracting

Manual processes and a lack of comprehensive contract lifecycle management causes enterprises to continue to have bottlenecks and delays in their authoring, negotiating and onboarding process, as well as redundance in data capture throughout the enterprise, creating pockets of contracting data in disparate sources and costing the enterprise significantly over time.

ISG’s contract lifecycle management solution uses an AI-driven intelligent contracting and contract management platform to reduce risk and time in the setup, negotiation and ongoing management of contracts. Leveraging 15+ years in procurement expertise, our outcome-driven approach prioritizes computational (composable/modular) contracting, user delight and intelligent workflow efficiency.

Our intelligent contacting solution delivers a cross-departmental contract workflow that reduces risk, is super easy to use and creates efficiencies for all departments in a workflow.

What is contract management in procurement?

From onboarding to exiting of suppliers, and from assessing to monitoring and mitigating risks, ISG GovernX® gives you what you need to effectively negotiate and manage contracts. Administer contract build, change, renewal, termination workflow and document/metadata storage to assure supplier compliance. All of this power comes with mobility-enabled and seamless integration with enterprise communication channels, including email, Dropbox, etc. ISG GovernX® brings together the power of contract management experts, AI, analytics, industry-leading business practices and automation to help you manage your supplier and contract lifecycle and realize the full potential of each contract.





Save 30% to 50% of the costs that it takes to effectively govern your complex provider relationships with ISG Vendor Management Office as a Service.

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